The “Student of the Year” award is a distinguished recognition program designed to honour exceptional students across diverse educational levels. Candidates seeking the award must exhibit outstanding academic accomplishments, exemplary leadership, and momentous community involvement.


Participation Rates: Since its inception, the “Student of the Year” award has attracted over 5,000 applications from students nationwide, reflecting its prestige and the competitive spirit among students.

Diversity of Winners: The award has celebrated diversity, with winners representing various disciplines and regions within the country over the past years.

Success Stories: Several past recipients have achieved substantial milestones, such as receiving scholarships for further studies, leading community projects, and representing their schools in national and international forums.

Application Process

Expression of Interest: Candidates interested in competing for the “Student of the Year” award must submit a formal application. The application should detail their achievements, aspirations, and reasons for seeking the award.

Recommendations: Applications must be accompanied by a recommendation letter. This letter should come from the head teachers for primary and secondary school students. For those in higher education institutions, the recommendation should be from heads of departments or lecturers.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria for the award include academic excellence, based on grades and teacher evaluations, leadership in school and community activities, innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, and positive impact on peers and the community.

The program aims to expand its reach by partnering with more educational institutions and sponsors, increasing the award’s visibility and impact. Plans are underway to include additional categories and scholarships to support the awardees’ educational and professional development.

Award Categories

  • Primary Section Winner: This category recognises a student from the primary school level who has demonstrated exceptional performance in academics and extracurricular activities.
  • Secondary Section Winner: This category honours a secondary school student with outstanding leadership and academic excellence.
  • Higher Institutions Winner: This category awards a student from a higher education institution who excels in academics, research, and community engagement.

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