The “Most Decent Politician” award is an esteemed recognition of female politicians who demonstrate uprightness and integrity in their professional conduct and attire. This award acknowledges politicians’ dual roles as representatives of their constituents and embodiments of national values.

The award criteria and process are well-defined. Eligibility for the award is restricted to women occupying elective political offices, such as members of parliament and cabinet ministers. These candidates must exhibit high decency in their public and professional demeanour.

The selection process is rigorous. It is carried out by a dedicated panel that conducts detailed research and observation to evaluate candidates’ adherence to the principles of decency. The public plays a pivotal role in the initial phase by nominating candidates whom they believe effectively represent these values.

The evaluation metrics comprise the consistency of decent dressing, public conduct, and the ability to inspire and act as role models, particularly to the girl child. The award has seen increasing participation since its inception, with over 200 nominations received last year alone, reflecting growing public engagement and interest in the standards of decency among politicians.

Initially focusing on national-level politicians, the award is planned to be expanded to include local government representatives to encourage decency across all levels of political engagement. The past winners have reported enhanced public engagement and have been invited to speak at various forums on the role of decency in leadership, impacting their constituencies and setting standards nationwide.

The goal is to broaden the scope of the award to include more local government officials, increasing the award’s influence and encouraging decency in political spheres at all levels. Initiatives are underway to organise workshops and seminars led by past award winners to mentor young women interested in politics, focusing on maintaining decency as a core professional and personal value.

The “Most Decent Politician” award not only celebrates the outstanding personal qualities of female politicians but also catalyses broader societal appreciation for decency in public life. It reinforces the notion that politicians are not just leaders but also role models whose conduct can inspire positive change and elevate political discourse.

Let’s talk about Decent Africa

Join us in stitching this new quilt of African identity, where every thread is a statement, every colour a story, and every garment a milestone on the journey to a more decent and empowered world.