The “Most Decent Female Celebrity” award aims to recognise women in the entertainment industry and beyond who embody high decency standards and influence and resonate with the public. The award acknowledges female celebrities across various domains, including film, television, music, sports, and literature, as public figures who shape cultural norms and values.


To be eligible for the award, female celebrities must be viewed as role models and uphold high decency standards in their personal and professional lives. The selection process begins with public nominations, allowing fans and the general public to propose candidates that exemplify decency and positive societal influence. Afterwards, a panel conducts extensive research and observation to assess each nominee based on stringent criteria.

Nominees are evaluated on their public appearances, social media presence, fan interaction, and participation in community and charitable activities. The evaluation focuses on how nominees represent themselves and influence their followers. The award typically receives upwards of 300 nominations annually, reflecting its popularity and the active participation of the public in championing decent role models.

Past award recipients have seen an average increase of 30% in their social media following post-award, indicating heightened visibility and influence due to this recognition. Many winners leverage their enhanced platform to advocate for social causes, with reported increases in charity event attendance and fundraising efforts by up to 50% following their recognition.

The committee plans to include newer categories in digital media and online platforms, recognising the evolving nature of celebrity in the digital age. Additionally, an initiative is underway to partner with educational institutions to host talks and seminars with award winners, aiming to inspire young women directly through interaction with their role models.

The “Most Decent Female Celebrity” award recognises individual merit and celebrates celebrities’ potential to impact society positively. By honouring those who embody decency and serve as role models, the award encourages all in the limelight to use their influence responsibly and constructively.

Let’s talk about Decent Africa

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